No reports have indicated that Cheri Oteri has admitted to having plastic surgery but then again, she has not denied the rumors either.
After appearing on a few red carpets in 2009 looking noticeable “refreshed”, which is sometimes code for “work has been done”, the blogosphere erupted in searches for the actual plastic surgeries Oteri may have had done.
There are several noticeable differences in her face that prompted people to question some facial features that look a lot different now than say five or ten years ago.
It is alleged that she has had a facelift without surgery, an eyelift, a blepharophasty (eyelid surgery), conservative rhinoplasty, a chin implant, botox and facial fillers.
Again, Oteri has neither confirmed or denied any such plastic surgery. In Hollywood, cosmetic surgery is an all too common occurrence but many celebrities are still guarded about disclosing such information. It is like the last big taboo that everyone is doing or perhaps more accurately, hiding in plain sight.
Cheri Oteri Plastic Surgery Before and After?
When one looks at the comparison before and after pictures of this popular celebrity comedienne, there is a suggestion that Oteri may have had some work done but what that is only a best guess.
A rhinoplasty does seem possible because in her “before” pictures, she had a more rounded nasal tip and now her nose is a little thinner.
If, in fact, she did have a nose job it was in fact a subtle procedure. The chin implant that she is rumored to have had does seem possible as well because her face before was more rounded and now her chin is much more pronounced.
The jury is still out on the claims of a facelift or the eyelift. Her face does not have that tightness that most people who have had a facelift have.
It is more likely that Botox, fillers, or even laser treatment are the culprit because she does not have any wrinkles to speak of and that would account for the extreme shine of her face in recent photographs.
Cheri Oteri’s Plastic Surgery Isn’t Funny.
Saturday Night Live alum Cheri Oteri seems to be funnier looking these days than she is funny, a certain result of plastic surgery.
46-year old Cheri Oteri should be beginning to show signs of aging, but instead the funny lady is just showing signs of over-zealous plastic surgery.
Cheri Oteri has likely had a facelift, which has left her face pulled a little too tight, given it an almost shiny appearance. She may have also had an eyelift, because her eyes look even smaller than used to and may have been pulled too tightly as well during a blepharoplasty.
Cheri’s nose also appears to be a little thinner, which is the result of a conservative rhinoplasty, leaving her with a more elegant and less rounded nasal tip.
Many also suspect that Cheri has had a chin implant, as her chin seems more pronounced, giving her face a more oval shape than it had previously. This would make sense, as chin implants often go together with rhinoplasty procedures. Although Cheri is best known for her characters on SNL, she still pops up in various movies and television shows, playing kooky characters. She likely maintains her wrinkle-free look with facial fillers and Botox and possible laser treatments as well, which would also contribute to the shiny look.
Although it’s hard to grow old gracefully and naturally, plastic surgery can help folks appear younger longer. However, having too many procedures all at once often makes people look strange, rather than younger or better and Cheri seems to have learned this lesson the hard way.
The past and the present pictures of the Saturday Night Live Star Cheri Oteri clearly shows that she is a cosmetic girl as in the past she had a wider and bulbous nose, but nowadays, she is enjoying a thinner and sharper nose which is completely different from the previous nose and which is according to the shape of her face. The new nose is far better than the previous nose and it suits her best. There are also reports that she also has had a face lift as well. Though, the reports of the facelift are not confirmed, yet there are some strong reports which say that she really had a facelift in the past as well.
The tight eyes of the star suggest that she also has had an eyelid surgery as well through which she has tighten the skin around her eyes. After that eyelid surgery, the eyes of the star appear tighter and smaller and they give us good impression. Now, she looks more active and alive. Many also say that she also had a chin implants as well.
The secret behind her tight and wrinkle-free facial skin is Botox and other fillers and injectables which she uses to her facial skin.
She has reached in an age where she should show signs of aging, but instead of showing the signs of aging, she is showing the signs of plastic surgery. Whether she agrees of having these surgeries or not, her face is enough to show us the truth about her.